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Jakarta, 13 Agustus 2021

PT PPA Distributes Donations to Journalists Affected by the Pandemic

Jakarta, August 13, 2021 – PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (Persero) (PT PPA/Company) has always been actively committed to dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic through several donation activities to support the Covid-19 response and fulfill their primary needs the pandemic affected.

Throughout 2021, PT PPA actively participated in some activities focused on supporting the Covid-19 response. One of the activities carried out by the Company is to participate in distributing aid to 1,600 journalists affected by the pandemic through the Central Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI).

The assistance worth Rp50 million was delivered directly by the Corporate Secretary of PT PPA Agus Widjaja and received directly by the General Chairperson of PWI Pusat Atal Depari who was accompanied by Secretary-General Mirza Zuhaldi, Head of Multimedia and IT as well as Chair of the 2022 National Press Day Organizing Committee, Auri Jaya, Member of the Education and Training Commission. The training for Nurcholis, PWI Peduli Chair M. Nasir, and PR Mercys Charles Loho was conducted at the Secretariat office Central PWI in Jakarta, Thursday (12/8).

Corporate Secretary of PT PPA Agus Widjaja said, “As part of a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) that is oriented towards creating value for the community, PT PPA plays an active role in overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Our participation and contribution through PWI Pusat are a form of PT PPA’s commitment to helping journalists affected by the pandemic. Journalists have an important role in the vanguard of managing and distributing information in the mass media, especially during a pandemic like today. We hope that our fellow journalists can continue to work and provide useful information to the public.”

PT PPA’s participation in activities to overcome Covid-19 and the impact of the pandemic is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Goal 1 Eradicating Poverty, Goal 2 Ending Hunger, Goal 3 Good Health and Welfare, and Goal 13 Handling Climate Change.

In his statement, Atal said that the visit of PT PPA was at the same time to strengthen the synergy with the national press community. Hopefully, in the future the PWI Pusat and PT PPA is able to synergize in supporting the development of human resources, especially journalists in Indonesia.

Previously, PT PPA also participated in a series of Ramadan activities held by PWI Pusat by giving compensation in the form of 300 food packages and prayer equipment to orphans from several orphanages, the needy, and journalists families who are under Ikatan Keluarga Wartawan Indonesia (IKWI).

Thank you for sending the request, we will take it further

Terima kasih sudah mengirim permohonan, pengajuan akan kami tindak lanjuti.

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Menyetujui bahwa PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (“Perusahaan”) dapat melakukan pemrosesan terhadap Data Pribadi Saya, sesuai ketentuan Undang-Undang Nomor 27 Tahun 2022 tentang Pelindungan Data Pribadi beserta penyesuaiannya dan peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya serta Kebijakan Privasi Perusahaan untuk tujuan seperti yang saya input pada Form Pengajuan Informasi di website resmi Perusahaan.
Saya juga menyatakan bahwa :

  1. Seluruh Data Pribadi yang disampaikan kepada Perusahaan adalah data yang benar dan akurat sesuai dengan kondisi terkini dan jika terdapat perubahan Data Pribadi tersebut, maka Saya akan menginformasikan dan meminta kepada Perusahaan untuk melakukan pembaharuan dan/atau perbaikan atas Data Pribadi tersebut sesuai dengan informasi terkini yang sah.

  2. Saya sepenuhnya bertanggung jawab atas segala kerugian yang timbul, baik materi maupun immateril apabila terjadi kegagalan pelindungan Data Pribadi yang disebabkan karena kelalaian dan/atau kesengajaan Saya dan/atau pihak yang diberikan kuasa oleh Saya.

  3. Perusahaan dapat menyimpan, berbagi, dan menghapus Data Pribadi Saya jika diwajibkan oleh peraturan perundang-undangan, terdapat instruksi dari regulator atau instansi berwenang, dan/atau untuk menjaga kepentingan Saya dan/atau Perusahaan.
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