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Company Profile
of PT PPA Finance

Company Name

PT PPA Finance

Date of Establishment

21 December 2009

Issued and Fully Paid Capital

IDR 150,000,000,000

Line of Business

1. Leasing
2. Factoring
3. Consumer Finance
4. Other financing according to consumer needs and approved by OJK

Authorized Capital

IDR 400,000,000,000


Gedung Sampoerna Strategic Square, North Tower Lantai 9
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman
Kav. 45-46
Jakarta 12930

PT PPA Finance (“PT PPAF”) was established based on Deed No. 03 dated 21 December 2009 made before Notary Lindawati Wiranata, SH. The deed of establishment was approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia based on Decree No. AHU-00096.AH.01.01 Year 2010 dated 5 January 2010. PT PPAF is a financing company established by PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (Persero) (“PT PPA”) and PPA Employees Cooperative. The business license of financing company was obtained from the Minister of Finance on 15 June 2010.

The purpose and objective of PT PPAF establishment is to support PT PPA in assisting managed SOEs and SOEs subsidiaries in financing the purchase of capital goods while prioritizing mutually beneficial commercial aspects. In addition, PT PPAF also targets SOEs and their subsidiaries that are not managed by PT PPA, including private companies that are considered prospective to be financed.


To be the leading Financing Company in Indonesia for State-Owned Enterprises and Regional-Owned Enterprises in particular and for Private Companies in general.


  • Focusing on Shareholders’ interests by increasing the Company’s value;
  • Being able to provide financing products according to customer needs by prioritizing excellent service, competitiveness, added value, diversification in financing products, optimal financing results, and mutual benefits between the Company and customers;
  • Improving service quality, reliable system and technology that are always oriented towards efficiency and effectiveness;
  • Developing human resources continuously through improvement of quality and expertise.

Organizational Structure

The Company’s organizational structure has been stipulated in accordance with SK number SK-03/PPAF/2018. The organizational structure is set out in accordance with the duties and functions specified in OJK regulations and the Company’s business needs in the future. The fulfillment of the functions as stated in the organizational structure will be carried out in stages through recruitment from both internal and external parties.

Meanwhile, supporting functions such as HR & general affairs and information technology are performed in the form of shared services. The implementation of shared services is one of the strategies of the Company and PT PPA Group so that the Company can focus on business growth and the supporting operational activities can run efficiently.

Thank you for sending the request, we will take it further

Terima kasih sudah mengirim permohonan, pengajuan akan kami tindak lanjuti.

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I agree that PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (“Company”) may process my Personal Data, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 27 of 2022 on the Protection of Personal Data and its adjustments and other laws and regulations and the Company’s Privacy Policy for the purposes as inputted by me on the Information Submission Form on the Company’s official website.

I also declare that :

  1. All Personal Data submitted to the Company is true and accurate data in accordance with the latest conditions and if there are changes to the Personal Data, then I will inform and request the Company to update and/or correct the Personal Data in accordance with the latest valid information.

  2. I am fully responsible for all losses incurred, both material and immaterial in the event of failure to protect Personal Data caused by my negligence and/or intentionality and/or the party authorized by me.

  3. The Company may store, share, and delete My Personal Data if required by laws and regulations, there are instructions from regulators or authorized agencies, and/or to safeguard My and/or the Company’s interests.
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Menyetujui bahwa PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (“Perusahaan”) dapat melakukan pemrosesan terhadap Data Pribadi Saya, sesuai ketentuan Undang-Undang Nomor 27 Tahun 2022 tentang Pelindungan Data Pribadi beserta penyesuaiannya dan peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya serta Kebijakan Privasi Perusahaan untuk tujuan seperti yang saya input pada Form Pengajuan Informasi di website resmi Perusahaan.
Saya juga menyatakan bahwa :

  1. Seluruh Data Pribadi yang disampaikan kepada Perusahaan adalah data yang benar dan akurat sesuai dengan kondisi terkini dan jika terdapat perubahan Data Pribadi tersebut, maka Saya akan menginformasikan dan meminta kepada Perusahaan untuk melakukan pembaharuan dan/atau perbaikan atas Data Pribadi tersebut sesuai dengan informasi terkini yang sah.

  2. Saya sepenuhnya bertanggung jawab atas segala kerugian yang timbul, baik materi maupun immateril apabila terjadi kegagalan pelindungan Data Pribadi yang disebabkan karena kelalaian dan/atau kesengajaan Saya dan/atau pihak yang diberikan kuasa oleh Saya.

  3. Perusahaan dapat menyimpan, berbagi, dan menghapus Data Pribadi Saya jika diwajibkan oleh peraturan perundang-undangan, terdapat instruksi dari regulator atau instansi berwenang, dan/atau untuk menjaga kepentingan Saya dan/atau Perusahaan.
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